
Create a diet THAT you can sustain and adhere to for the rest of your life and you will have success

Nutrition is a vital component of ALL health and fitness goals.

Fat loss/gain all comes down to calories in vs. calories out. What this means is that if we consume more energy (calories) than our body burns, we will gain body fat. If we want to lose body fat, we need to consume fewer calories than what our bodies burn, which is called a calorie deficit.

We can create a calorie deficit through eating smaller portions, eating less highly processed food (which typically are higher in calories), exercise, or a combination of methods where your input (calories through consuming food and drinks) is less than your output (energy burned).

We have to learn how to change our habits and mindset around food, which can be extremely challenging. I am here to tell you that you CAN do it. It is possible to learn how to make eating healthy delicious and sustainable.

When it comes to nutrition and creating a happy, healthy life I believe in sustainability and balance. I do not support the idea of crazy, overly restrictive diets. There aren’t any quick fixes via fad diets or pills that will yield lasting, sustainable results.

We need to put in the work of changing our habits and educating ourselves about what our bodies need in order to achieve our goals. Learning how to prepare meals that are nutritious and satisfying is what I teach my clients so they can achieve results that last a lifetime.

Healthy, mindful eating has not always been a consistent part of my life, and I have to work really hard on it some days when the cravings just won’t go away. On a daily basis, my food consumption is whole foods that make me happy and my insides feel good.

This being said, on occasion I will have treats or eat a meal that isn’t as balanced as normal. Why do I do this and encourage clients to do the same if they want to? The answer is because if you’re restricting yourself, you are creating an unhealthy relationship with food. This could in turn potentially make you overeat on foods you deem off limits or give up “healthy eating” altogether because it’s “too difficult.”

Food is meant to nourish us and it is also meant to be enjoyed, so it is important to do both in order to create a balanced lifestyle.

As a client of InsideOut, I will work on individual nutrition goals with you and help you learn to create a balanced diet that works for YOU. Changing our relationship with food is necessary to achieve lifelong health, and I promise as your coach I will guide you through it until it becomes habit and then eventually your lifestyle.