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I encourage everyone from beginner to pro to have a ‘WHY’.

When you pinpoint WHY you are doing what you’re doing and what you want to accomplish from it, it gives you a reason to keep going. When you feel as though progress is taking too long or it’s too hard, or your motivation is running thin, you can return to your why to remind you what you’re working towards.

The InsideOut community is one that supports and encourages everyone’s unique path and their reasoning for becoming a healthier, happier, more confident version of themselves.

When you find your WHY, you are one step closer to success. 


I want to be healthy, happy, and confident INSIDE and OUT, and that is WHY I train like I do and make conscious nutrition choices. Lifting weights makes me feel empowered and able and has given me a sense of self confidence in my abilities I never thought I’d achieve.

I exercise to have better quality of life and so my joints, bones and muscles are strong when I am an old lady. I am in my happy place while exercising; it is where I get to focus on ME and helps me deal with the stress and anxiety of life I sometimes feel. I do this to become the best version of myself day in and day out. 


What are your reasons behind changing your lifestyle; WHY are you making these changes? I encourage you to dive deep and figure out what is driving you. Make a list and keep it in a place you can always refer back to when you need to. When your motivation is lacking or when you feel like it’s not worth it, it’s taking too long or it’s too hard, ALWAYS GO BACK TO YOUR WHY.

You deserve this, and the future you will be grateful for all of the work you are putting in now.

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