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1. Find a gym buddy

On the days you feel like bailing on your workout, if you have a partner you are more likely to show up and complete your workout. Not only will they be encouraging, but they also provide accountability. You don’t want to let them down by not showing up when they need YOU to help them show up too. Doing hard things together and coming out stronger and better will create a special bond.

2. Tell a family member or friend about your goals

If you prefer to workout alone (like me!), then a gym buddy for accountability won’t be your style. If you are starting out and are searching for a way to stay accountable, try telling a friend or family member who is supportive about your goals and efforts. That way, they will check in with you and ask you how you are doing and you will most certainly want to have things to tell them!

3. Get a personal trainer

Not only do you have to show up for your sessions on time, but all of the work is taken out of it; besides actually doing all of the work! What I mean is that you do not have to know what exercises to do, how many reps or sets to do, or what weight to use. If you are a beginner and experience anxiety over trying to figure out how to use machines or possibly doing an exercise wrong, a personal trainer will walk you through everything and (a good trainer) will prep you for success in the gym outside of your sessions. They will support you, encourage you, and root for you to achieve your goals.

4. Purchase an online program

This doesn’t even really come close to having a personal trainer, but having a program already designed for you is a great way to just have to show up and do the work without knowing what you should be doing. My advice is to be sure the person who designed the program is actually a certified personal trainer!

5. Switch up your training

You are not bound to one type of training! Unless you are an athlete or a physique competitor, you have the freedom to exercise in whatever way brings you health and enjoyment. I am definitely not suggesting switching programs and trying something new every week If we want to see results, repetition is important and we need to be consistent. However, if you are dreading what you have to do in the gym every single time you go so you end up not going, it’s time to find something that excites you so you will show up for yourself.

6. Schedule your workouts and make them a priority

Sometimes we have to shuffle things around to make sure our workouts are a priority, but there will be some days that no matter how we slice it, a workout just cannot fit in and that is okay! Knowing what days do and do not work for you and scheduling accordingly, will keep you accountable to the times you set for yourself. Plug it into your calendar/planner and don’t cancel on yourself.

7. Adjust your training schedule to fit your life schedule

What I mean by this is, if you have an extremely busy week where you can barely squeeze your workouts in, make sure your sessions are something that you ENJOY. If you are very busy and you are dreading your workout, chances are you won’t even show up for them. 

When life is hectic, plan for it! Maybe you know Wednesday is going to be dreadful with work and life commitments and the workout you have for that day (when following a program) does not entice you in the slightest; switch it with another day’s session that will actually get you to the gym or your home workout space.

8. Start small and see where you go

Sometimes the thought of starting something new is too scary that we never try at all. Sometimes even knowing where to begin is too overwhelming. You don’t have to know everything and you don’t have to be perfect. You just have to BEGIN. Start small and your confidence and discipline will grow as you keep learning and progressing. Going for a 5-10 minute walk, adding in a vegetable or two to your meals, increasing water intake, and prioritizing sleep are all great places to start when you’re not sure where to.

9. Find your WHY

Knowing WHY you are beginning a healthier lifestyle is so important for accountability. It gives you reason to keep going when things get tough, when we don’t feel motivated, and when we feel like we’re not making progress. Going back to your “why” will ground you and set you back on track. 

Note: If you “why” is “I want a six pack”, dig a little deeper and think about WHY you want that and keep going from there until you have a reason that will drive you.

10. Set short term and long term goals

Setting goals is a fantastic way to stay on top of your health and fitness instead and can really help in terms of staying motivated. When you know exactly what you’re working towards, it gives you a reason to show up for yourself so you can achieve it. 

Short term goals can be small milestones along the way to meeting your long term goal. Achievements along the way will help build confidence and certainly help you stay on track. 

Thank you for reading! Blogs are updated weekly, so be sure to check back to learn more on fitness, nutrition, and healthy living! To read more like this, check out insideoutfitnesspdx.com