Posts tagged Personal Trainer
How to Structure At Home Workouts: COVID-19 Pandemic 2020

During this time of uncertainty it is easy to panic and feel overwhelmed. We need to look after both our mental and physical health right now. It is important to do what you feel is best for YOU during this time. If that is continuing to exercise and adapt to your new norm of at home workouts, keep reading for tips on how to structure them!

Your workouts actually contribute a very minimal aspect of your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), so now is not the time to fret about “getting fat” or “losing all your progress.” Yes, if you have been lifting very heavy weights and now do not have that option, you will lose some muscle mass but it will be very easy to regain with dedication once life goes back to normal.

In reality, it is your movement outside of your planned workouts that really contribute to your energy expenditure. It is all those walks and choosing to walk instead of drive places that we all say we don’t have time for that have a huge effect on calorie expenditure. If you never were active outside of your gym sessions, you really aren’t having to adapt much in terms of daily movement.

Nonetheless, now is not the time to focus on aesthetics, but to focus on challenging ourselves with something new and to keep our mental health in check.

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  1. Find a gym buddy

  2. Tell a family member or friend about your goals

  3. Get a personal trainer

  4. Purchase an online program

  5. Switch up your training

  6. Schedule your workouts and make them a priority

  7. Adjust your training schedule to fit your life schedule

  8. Start small and see where you go

  9. Find your WHY

  10. Set short term and long term goals

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Liquid Calories and Fat Gain

I was twelve years old when I read in one of my favorite magazines that short people, specifically women, shouldn’t drink juice because it makes you fat. At 29 years old I am five feet tall, so I was even smaller then. I was confused because there wan’t an explanation as to WHY it “makes you fat” or WHY specifically short people should be careful, but out of fear I didn’t drink juice for a very long time. 

It is statements like those that mislead people into crazy, restrictive diets and present feelings of utter confusion when it comes to nutrition. It is statements like those that drive me to make nutrition and fitness as simple as possible for people so they can be educated and reach their goals. 

Juice doesn’t make you fat. Fruit doesn’t make you fat. Sugar doesn’t make you fat. There is no food on its own that inherently makes you fat; continuously overeating in calories in comparison to what your body burns daily is what leads to fat gain …

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When it comes to muscle soreness after a workout, we all like to have that feedback from our bodies as evidence we worked hard. Muscle soreness is not necessarily indicative of our efforts in the gym, and there are an array of factors that contribute to leaving our muscles feeling sore for the day(s) following a workout …

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When it comes to muscle soreness after a workout, we all like to have that feedback from our bodies as evidence we worked hard. Muscle soreness is not necessarily indicative of our efforts in the gym, and there are an array of factors that contribute to leaving our muscles feeling sore for the day(s) following a workout …

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Whether or not you have fat loss as a goal, snacking more mindfully is beneficial for everyone’s health. For fat loss goals, we need to be sure we are in a calorie deficit. This means that the energy consumed (calories) is less than the energy we expend through daily living and exercise. This doesn’t mean that snacking is off limits! …

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A situation we are all familiar with is getting a poor night’s sleep and spending the entirety of the next day feeling extra hungry and reaching for easily accessible high calorie food. We are low on energy with no motivation to exercise. This could be the norm for some people with no regard to how their lack of sleep is truly impacting their day to day life and their health. 

It’s no secret that life is easier when we are well rested; we have more energy to prepare our own food and get off the couch to get some exercise, as well as our emotions being in check.

It is suggested that we get a minimum of 7-9 hours of sleep each night due to the incredibly significant effects sleep has on our health. Below, I will discuss just a few examples of why sleep should be at the forefront of our priorities…

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